Bugman - WIP

This is my final demoreel piece, Bugman. He began in a life drawing class where we got to sculpt a creature we made (which was probably the single thing I had been looking forward to the most since my first tour of the school [bo wonder I love Zbrush so much]). So here is my initial concept, and sculpture. The sculpture has a base of wire, covered in tinfoil, and then covered in white sculpy.

I then took him into 3D, but decided to tweak the design. Here is my progress so far in Zbrush:

This is a bottom view (which I only point out because it's a little disorienting without all his limbs in place, lol).

This is his... uhh.... giant ass section I guess. The first view is from the top, then side, then bottom.



And I forgot to take a screencap of the tail. So this is what I'm currently working on, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I only just discovered the claytubes brush, and could hardly pull myself away. If you're using Zbrush and you're not using the claytubes brush - USE IT. Now. lol. It's extremely useful.